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Derivatives pricing at the speed you need.
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About Us


Others promise no programming. SciFinance delivers.SciFinance® eliminates programming by automatically translating model specifications for any financial derivative into fully documented C-family source code. Using an intuitive VHLL for describing financial contracts and numerical methods, SciFinance provides a friendly, versatile environment in which to make and implement modeling decisions.

SciComp Consulting

Computational Finance ConsultingOur skilled, professional quantitative development team provides expert, cost-effective derivatives consulting services.From implementing industry standard pricing models for any asset class to enhancing risk simulation models, we offer comprehensive derivatives support.

Standalone Products

AutoCallables and Reverse ConvertiblesReadily customizable, the pricing models are available as a stand-alone Excel spreadsheet/add-in, Windows/Unix executable or as part of SciFinance, SciComp's automatic C/C++/CUDA pricing model source code generator.

What They Say

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This is some text inside of a div block.